Boutique Campaigns

Comprehensive LinkedIn, email, and retargeting strategies for high-value offers

Your trusted partner for targeted campaigns

Each boutique campaign is carefully crafted to ensure that your message is loud and clear and gets in front of the right folks.

Starting with our research team hand-researching each and every contact for you, these campaigns aim to dial in on a very defined target market and gain you new business.

Hand-researched contacts, custom messaging, retargeting ads, created-for-you content, and your very own LinkedIn newsletter make these campaigns the right choice for brands and businesses looking for a comprehensive strategy to use outbound to drive more revenue.


Research perfect-fit accounts

We start by identifying key accounts, finding what situational information can be relevant, and then getting the information for key decision makers at those accounts.

Are you looking for mustached men, aged 50-65, working in oil & gas in Texas? We’ve done that.

Are you looking for south-facing roofs in New Jersey that have no major obstructions and are located in specific power-company’s purview? Done that as well.

How about manufacturing companies that have recently had run-ins with OSHA regulations? Been there, done that.

For campaigns where traditional database filters just won’t cut it, our inhouse research team has you covered.


Engage prospects across different locations

Positioning you as a trusted partner across multiple platforms can be tricky. Having run hundreds of campaigns and tried one-and-a-half-million different tactics, we’ve settled on the ones that drive the best results, a blend of highly-targeted outreach and thought leadership content.

We position you as a trusted expert on LinkedIn. Through a combination of network-building and thought leadership (in the form of a LinkedIn newsletter and regular posts), we establish you as a recognizable and trusted expert in your industry.

Retargeting ads then gently nudge people to keep you top of mind.

Email follow-ups ensure your prospects see the clear-cut value in your offer and how working with you can help them achieve their goals.


Work your magic

While the team at Lead Cookie are experts at finding and engaging your ideal prospects across a multitude of channels, when someone raises their hand with interest, it’s time to bring in the expert. YOU. Our goal is to tee you up with the best possible prospects and let you focus on closing more business, not trying to find it.

What you get

Included in each boutique campaign are the following:


  • 500-800 contacts researched each month that carefully match your ideal client profile (ICP)

  • Custom messaging written specifically for your offer, your market, and the situation you are addressing

  • LinkedIn Profile optimization to make sure you make the best possible impression

  • LinkedIn Company optimization to ensure anyone interacting with your company gets a professional experience

  • Manual outreach to each and every prospect researched (using your LinkedIn or that of someone on your team)

  • 2x monthly LinkedIn posts

  • Your own LinkedIn Newsletter to share with current and future connections

  • Regular check-in calls with one of our seasoned account strategists

  • Custom CRM (customer relationship manager) for you to track responses, review interested leads, and give our team feedback; this CRM will integrate into your existing CRM

  • Custom dashboard to gather insights + takeaways, give clear campaign metrics, and help inform further outreach


  • Find email addresses for all prospects with valid emails

  • Creation of all email messaging following our best practices

  • Secondary domain setup and warming to make sure that your primary domain is protected

  • Sending software and management of all sending

  • Notification of all interested responses

Website and Advertisements

  • Custom website tracking to find specific individuals that are visiting your website (for United States clients only)

  • Dedicated monthly advertising spend (no additional fee) to show ads around the internet to contacts researched for the LinkedIn, email, and website tracking portions of the service. No wasting ad spend on anyone outside your exact criteria.

Simple Pricing | No Setup Fees | 6-Month Initial Outreach Program

$3,700 / month (500 contacts) | $4,700 / month (800 contacts)

Get your own comprehensive outbound strategy with a boutique campaign