The tools you need

Whenever getting started with a new channel, it can feel overwhelming all of the moving pieces.

Our goal is to provide you with all the necessary pieces to make your campaign successful from minute 1.


Strategy and support

If you are new to outbound marketing, it can be a bit overwhelming. Our goal is to work alongside you to develop a campaign that achieves your unique goals. In addition to creating an effective strategy and implementing it on your behalf, we also provide you with the tools necessary to close the leads that are generated.

99 out of 100 times, businesses don’t need more leads. They need more business. Getting you in front of the right people and helping you close deals is priority #1.

Tools used:

  • One expert account strategist

  • Two of our lovely customer success experts

  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator

  • Google Docs (for documenting strategies)

  • Email

Tracking and optimizations

Keeping track of all of the aspects of a campaign can feel like staring down a mountain. What do open, connection, and interest rates really mean?

We keep track of everything for you in an easily-digestible CRM instance to easily get insights, optimize your campaign, and set you up for success.

Tools used:

  • Airtable CRM

  • Your very own targeted list

  • Metrics dashboard

  • Check-in calls (every 2 weeks)

  • Monthly metrics rundown (at the end of each month)

Post-contact support

Getting you in front of the right people (and having them signal interest) is just the beginning. After that, it’s important that you have the necessary tools to move them further along your sales funnel.

Tools used:

  • Sales training video course

  • Response and segue document

  • The support of our whole team whenever you have questions